May 18, 2009

Cleveland Marathon, Half, 10K

Ran the Cleveland 10K yesterday...what a blast. I don't know if it was the adrenaline or all the runners I was surrounded by, but I felt great and ran great. That's the way to do a race. Ran "with" (she's a little faster than me! haha) my good friend Tonya, who did a great job herself. We started at the line together, and it was great to see her at the finish!

Half marathon next year? I have 364 days to think about and train for it....

right now, i'm nursing my calf/shin. GO AWAY PAIN!

Rick Gorzynski Time Trial is next....


Blogger said...

Congratulations on the race, Steph! Good to see you downtown, accomplishing your goal.

triguyjt said...

awesome job steph....I was not able to get downtown yesterday but by all was a huge event...great turnout...all good

keep on training and you then inspire others to want to make your progress...